Our Woodland

It is really important to me that all the timber I use is produced in a sustainable way.

Where does my timber come from?

The timber I use comes from a variety of sources. I work hard to ensure they are all sustainable and respect the vital role trees play in our fragile environment. 


Whenever I purchase any timber products, I only use suppliers who can show FSC or PEFC certificates to prove their products are from a reliable source.


Trees are wonderful things which should often be preserved but sometimes they are too big, in the way or just fall down. If I know the source and reason, I will try to use the timber. If you have had a tree fallen or removed I can complete the whole process from log to lumber to design to finished piece.


From sheds and shelves to keyboards and organ cases, once discarded I am happy to re-use the timber. 


My Woodland

All my materials conform with PEFC or FSC standards and I refuse to use a wide variety of timbers that come from endangered or rare species. To further this commitment to the natural environment I have recently taken on several hectares of natural oak woodland.

Our Oak Woodland is a place of real peace and beauty with an abundance of interesting plants and animal life. I am committed to managing it with great care, taking out trees to improve the habitats and allow other trees to reach maturity. This special timber is now being cut and dried before going into my workshop to be used for beams, mantelpieces or special projects.

As the seasons pass I will update these photos to reflect this diverse and ever-changing landscape.

Start a Project Today

Whatever your idea or project, I would love to help. Whether you want a new piece of furniture or some custom storage - if it can be made out of wood, get in touch.